Jenny Tan

a young girl born in 2002, is fervently pursuing her academic dreams at the University of the Arts London (UAL).

Her experiences studying abroad provided her with a unique perspective on the UK’s nail market. She noticed that despite the market’s considerable size, existing nail services were not only costly, but also monotonous and uninspired, lacking creativity and personalization.
After discovering this market gap, Jenny Tan decided to launch the Nartil Nail Lab website, which aims to revolutionize the traditional nail industry. Her platform offers a variety of design options, emphasizing artistry and innovation, fulfilling the desires of a younger generation eager for personal expression. Moreover, she has strategically priced her services to be more affordable, thus attracting more students and nail art enthusiasts who seek quality services within their budget.
Nartil Nail Lab transcends the traditional nail service platform, evolving into a community that merges culture, art, and fashion. Utilizing her educational journey at UAL, Jenny Tan skillfully incorporates cross-cultural elements and artistic designs into nail artistry. Her unbounded creativity and entrepreneurial vigor not only build her career path, but also enable Nartil Nail Lab to secure a distinctive position in a competitive industry, thereby enriching her overseas study life in the UK.